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METCOM 911 staff created this moving commemmorative video on 9/11/2015.

On September 11. 2001, the nation watched in horror as the World Trade Center towers were attacked with hijacked commercial jet planes with our own citizens on board.  Another plane crashed into the Pentagon.  Yet another, whose passengers got wind of the awful plan and struggled with their captors, was forced to crash in a Pennsylvania field.  While many citizens were unable to take their eyes from the television coverage, hundreds of police officers, fire fighters, and medical personnel rushed into these devasting scenes to lend assistance.  Many gave their lives that day to rescue as many of their fellow Americans as possible. Thousands were saved because of the efforts of these brave men and women.  METCOM 911 and their affliated agencies observed a moment of silence in memory of those that fell in the line of duty that day.  This video is dedicated to their memory. 

METCOM 9/11 Tribute

A commemmoration of the lives of emergency service workers given on September 11, 2001.

Voice First in Oregon

As some parts of the nation move toward text-to-911, please be aware that Oregon is not yet among them. Oregon does not have that capability at this time, so please continue to call 911 in case of an emergency! 

Oregon Participates in ShakeOut


By Proclamation of Governor Kate Brown, October 15, 2015 has been declared Great Oregon ShakeOut Day statewide.  Because of Oregon's unique, beautiful terrain, the pontential for volatile seismic activity exists.  ShakeOut Oregon encourages all Oregon citizens to prepare for such an event by participating in drill exercises and beginning to collect two weeks worth of food and supplies to sustain your family.  See the official Great Oregon ShakeOut website for more details.

METCOM 911 Presents at New World Conference

Communication Specialist Loren Hall taught a seminar on techniques METCOM has developed for programming the Computer Aided Dispatch system as a test site for New World - Tyler Technologies. 

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